Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009

words of wisdom.....

Sorry guys nowadays g gag banyak berperan dalam kehidupan kalian....maaappp bgt yaaahhh....
Begitu gw baca blog ini....sempet bengong....man...temen2 gw had been in a very tough situation....lo kmana ajee sis....sempet mnyeselkan jg kmaren inii gag bisa ikutan....sorry bangett yah........
Gw blakang2an ini bnyak blajar dari 1 buku, banyak quotes2 yg kena banget d gw...gw gag tau bisa nolong apa gag ato mungkin udah telat ato udah sering denger jg ,gw jg gag taw jelas masalah kalian apa....tp this is a lifetime quotes kok and hopes these quotes might help.......

  • every experience that intersects with ur life comes to u to teach u the lesson u most need to learn to rise, to the next platform of ur life, when the student is ready, the teacher always appears. But if u don't accept the learning &fail to see the point of wisdom, the circumstances will repeat again and again untill u get it.
  • Seeing the opportunity for growth in every single situation of ur life & then taking personal responsibility rather than blaming someone else is actually the best way to influence the other person to change.
  • Life greatest difficulties are actually life's greatest blessing, 4 they serve to deepen us & open us up to a wider experience of living.
  • The only devils in the world are those running in our own hearts.
  • The world will be either better or worse depending on wether we become better or worse.
  • The place where ur greatest fears live is also the place where ur greatest growth.
  • As human beings, we all have these holes within us that crave 2 b filled, & as we grow adults, we unconsciously look 4 other people & things to fill our holes, & when they don't, we move on in search of the next solution. IT'S AN ENDLESS PURSUIT & EMPTIES US AS HUMAN.
  • When u see things from higher perspective, u can see that seemingly unrelated things are actually related.
  • Stop struggling & start being, struggling breeds stress, & stress is a great barrier 2 living in a state of grace.
  • Stop trying to analyze every events as good or bad , just experience it.
  • Stop trying so hard to get what u want in life, those things that u run toward will run away from u. the more u stop worrying about the way ur life turns out, the more ur life will turn out just fine.
  • I WEPT BCOZ I HAD NO SHOES ON MY FEET UNTIL I SAW THE MAN WITHOUT ANY FEET....(this one is so so so nice....love it)
  • Blaming others for the current quality of life is a sad way to live, coz what u'r essentially saying is ur powerless to lead ur life.
  • Someone who hurts u does so becouse they'r in some fear at a deep level...forgiveness is about accepting and realizing that they only hurt u bcos they were in some form of fear...
  • I don't know what ur destiny will be, but 1 thing I do know : the only ones among U who will really b happy are those who have sought and found how to serve ( Albert Schweitzer)
  • How many people are trapped in their everyday habits : part numbs, part frightened, part indifferent...to have a better life we must keep choosing how we are living ( Albert Einstein)
  • Life is short. Do not forget about the most important things in life, living for other people & doing good for them ( leo Tolstoy)
  • That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet ( emily Dickinson)
So guys, just stop struggling and start being yah....don't judge it as bad or good but just experience it....enjoy ur moments ,our lives are nothing more than a series of moments , if u miss the moments , u miss ur life....

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